Adding “Order Add-Ons” with custom questions

Often times, an event will want to offer additional tickets or merchandise with their race registration. ITS YOUR RACE allows you to set up custom questions and add prices to the answers.  We charge 6% plus $0.30 on these type of transactions.  It’s important to note that there is no option to push these fees off to the participant, so be sure to factor that in when you are setting up your pricing options.  If you are selling a hat for $10.00, you will receive $9.10.

You have the option to add custom questions during the registration setup process, however, you can also add custom questions like this once you have registration set up.  This example below takes into account that you already have registration set up on ITS YOUR RACE.

Go to your admin tool for the event and click on REGISTRATION then select CUSTOM QUESTIONS. Fill our your Question Name (this is for admin use only) and Display text (this is what the participant will see when they are going through the registration process).

My example:


DISPLAY TEXT:  Would you like to purchase a custom race hat? (you can view the hat here)

For the “ANSWER TYPE:”, note that only options for custom questions that will incur a fee are “Drop-Down List, Radio Buttons and List Box”.  A list box will allow people to select more than 1 option, so if you are asking people if they want to purchase additional shirts, they can choose two smalls and a large if they wish.

In my example, I’ve chosen “Radio Buttons” and my possible answers are “Yes” with a price set to $10.00 and “No” with a price set to $0.00.  The display order is which order you’d like the answers to appear in.

SAVE the question.  Now, we need to apply this custom question to one of our registration types.  Go to REGISTRATION and REGISTRATION TYPES.  EDIT the registration type where you want this custom question to appear.  Scroll down and check the box next to your custom question.  SAVE the registration type.

Your custom question will be applied to the front-end user site and participants will be able to make an additional purchase if they wish during their registration.

You can download ORDER data under IMPORT/EXPORT DATA to view these purchases and account for them.



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